Socialization starts from the very first day they are born. Newborns get handled every day and used to being touched EVERYWHERE right from the beginning. They are both blind and deaf until 2 weeks old so touch and smell are their only senses. As the 2 week mark approaches, their eyes and ears open which opens a whole new world of sensations to explore. At this time we start introducing various types of sounds. Things like banging on pots, popping bubble wrap near their pen, videos of thunder sounds as well as videos of fireworks on tv better prepares them for their first 4th of July, vacuuming near the whelping box, TV, music etc. And sights (flashing, strobing, tv images)
As they continue to get older we introduce them to basic grooming. Bathing, blow drying, nail trims, ear cleaning.
We start them on constructive crate training (only in crate for maximum of 15-30 minutes at a time) with a filled Kong, bully stick, peanut butter lick mat, long lasting chew etc. to keep them entertained and mitigate any negative feeling towards the crate.
Potty training is STARTED during outside recess time with all our puppies from 5 weeks old onward but please know that by 8 weeks old they are just starting to really grasp this concept and many accidents will happen simply because they are babies and can’t hold it! Their bowel and bladder control is just starting to develop and you must be patient with them. Accidents can, do, and will happen. Get a bottle of enzyme based cleaner and quickly clean up accidents and continue to offer potty time outside with lots of praise and treats when business is successfully done outside. With time, repetition and patience accidents will dwindle down to become less and less until they are fully potty trained but it does not happen overnight.
We also get them introduced to short car rides. Pup cups included to encourage a sense of car rides leading to happy and positive outcomes.
They will have gone to the vet and while getting poked for shots and microchip is never fun we always distract them with peanut butter or cheese on a lick matt so that, too, usually is associated with positivity and a yummy treat so as to not give them the idea that the vet is a negative place.
Ivy is our residential Auntie. She, along with their mama, help teach the puppies correct social behaviors with other dogs. She is very patient, kind and gentle with them and actually will show them how to play!
We have two human children aged 5 and 7, whom are a vital last step in the puppies socialization and development. From 4 weeks onward my kids spend a lot of time playing with the pups, playing tug or tossing their toys for them, holding them and petting them. Our pups go home fully understanding what children are and loving them! They do not shy away from the excited squeals of young children and also do not fear the somewhat uncoordinated handling of small children. Of course I’m always present to ensure the correct gentle handling of puppies.